Erik's Journal - September 17, 2002

Geography: The sprawling landscape of Edmonton Alberta.

Point form day: Up at 6:30 for phone interview, head off at 7:15 for two other radio interviews, back for breakfast, then a press conference in a room that had running water and looked like Indonesia, packed up stuffed animals and juice and went to the hospital, gave away toys, moved large stage props into the children’s ward, did and spontaneous interview with a local TV station, had lunch, went to White ave to do RAK, worked out, did an hour long live program for Help TV, had dinner, had a great conversation with a woman named Mary, went up to the VERY top of the hotel, by myself and checked out the panorama, watched out rebroadcast of out HelpTV spot.

Highlight of the day: The press conference was great. Brad was amazing. He went out into the conference like he was a lounge singer, it was seriously funny. Also people asked a lot of questions which makes thinks flow so much easier.

Most inspiring moment: Convincing the cynics.

Shout outs: Thanks to everyone at the Mayfield for setting everything up.

Classic Quote: “Oh, I’m gonna get it from the boys in the locker room for this one,” Offensive Linebacker for the Edmonton Eskimos after we all picked him up and head him horizontally for a picture in The Sun.

My Crux: Long days.

Physically Speaking: Good but can feel myself getting stiffer because of lack of yoga.

Mental Stimulation: I have been reading some Thoreau. My favorite quote thus far: “I love my fate to the very core and rind.”

Big Laughs: Chris, singing and playing all of the answers to the questions asked by the A channel reporter.

When I finished writing this I was: Groovin….. Definitely.

Nov. 28, 2002
Nov. 27, 2002
Nov. 26, 2002
Nov. 25, 2002
Nov. 24, 2002
Nov. 23, 2002
Nov. 22, 2002
Nov. 21, 2002
Nov. 20, 2002
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Nov. 17, 2002
Nov. 16, 2002
Nov. 15, 2002
Nov. 14, 2002
Nov. 13, 2002
Nov. 12, 2002
Nov. 11, 2002
Nov. 10, 2002
Nov. 9, 2002
Nov. 8, 2002
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Nov. 6, 2002
Nov. 5, 2002
Nov. 4, 2002
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Oct. 01, 2002
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Sept. 29, 2002
Sept. 28, 2002
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Sept. 18, 2002
Sept. 17, 2002
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Sept. 12, 2002
Sept. 11, 2002
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Sept. 08, 2002
Nov. 7, 2002
Oct. 21, 2002
Oct. 4, 2002
Sept. 25, 2002
Sept. 24, 2002
Sept. 19, 2002
Sept. 16, 2002
Sept. 08, 2002

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